Terms & Conditions


On receiving of your order you will be invoiced in accordance with our price list plus all the extras like VAT, Artwork & delivery charges etc. and payment must be made in full before the Job is started, We provide Credit Card, Debits Card, Instant EFT as well as Regular EFT Payments


PDF or faxed proofs will be sent to you for your approval after payment is received


Delivery will be according to your own choice:

■ Self collect

■ Delivery by us at a fee in PTA area

■ Post Office

■ Couriers


Formats/Files that cannot produce ‘Print-Ready Artwork’
Ordinary documents from programs such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Powerpoint, cannot be used as ‘print-ready artwork’.  Any information contained in these types of formats must be imported into a program that can produce ‘print-ready artwork’, e.g. CorelDRAW, Freehand etc.
Quoting for Artwork
Our quotation for artwork will depend upon what you can provide us with.  If work is required to take information from programs/files into CorelDRAW (which is the program we use to produce print-ready artwork), then an additional charge may be required.  Author’s amendments to your artwork (i.e. changes made by you) depending upon the amount of time taken, will also incur additional charges.
Checking and Signing off Artwork
At all times, it is the responsibility of you, the client, to ensure that you are happy with the print-ready artwork that has been produced for you.  If PCS is required to produce the print-ready artwork for you, you will be required to ‘sign-off’ the final artwork to confirm your approval to go ahead with the printing work.  This will involve you thoroughly checking the artwork for any errors in layout, spelling etc.  We always do our absolute best to ensure that artwork is accurate and correct.  However, even if a mistake has been made by us (we are only human, after all!) in copying your work, the final approval to go ahead with the printing rests with you.
Please do remember that colours on a PC screen are not accurate.  They do not reflect what will be printed using litho positives.
Print-Ready Artwork Supplied to Us
If you have engaged a designer to draw up your artwork or you have created the print-ready artwork yourself, we will need you to provide us with a hard copy proof that has been signed off by you.  If the work is in colour, you will need to provide us with the names (or colour samples) of the Pantone colours (for spot colour) or a full colour Chromalin proof  (to ensure accuracy of the final colours) for any full-colour work.  Please note that colour laser proofs are only 95% accurate.
Should you have any questions whatsoever on your printing work, please always feel free to ask

Checking proofs

Helpful hints and tips
Grab a cup of tea and find somewhere quiet. You’ll need a print-out or a PDF on screen of your final artwork for reference. It’s easy to check what’s on the proof, but all too often, people don’t spot when an element has dropped off completely or a word has been spelled incorrectly. Make sure you double check names, telephone numbers etc. Get a fresh pair of eyes After looking at the same job time and again, it’s good to get someone else to check, particularly when it comes to proofing text. When you know what’s coming next, it’s easy to skim over words or fill in the blanks if something’s missing. Calling telephone numbers and typing lengthy URLs into your browser are simple ways of checking these details. It’s far better to wait a while to check a proof properly than rush and find the money for a re-print.
– digital 
The colour in digital proofs is made up from the 4 process colours (CMYK), so if your job is spot colour (specified from a Pantone), you should use your Pantone swatch book as an indication of the final colour. If required we can provide a printed proof for you on the stock your job is set to be printed on.
When checking images on the PDF for approval it is important to be aware that they are not set up for print, they may appear at a lower resolution. This is to reduce the file size, ready to send through email.
Proof checklist 
Before you sign off your proof, make sure that you and your colleague have ticked all the relevant boxes below. Do not sign if you require any changes, only ever sign your final copy when approved. 
Spelling and grammar
Watch out for words the spell check won’t catch, such as it’s/its, their/there, your/you’re, were/where, then/than, and to/too.
Consistent and correct spelling of specialised words
Such as product or brand names, and terminology.
Check for two identical words or numbers that are next to each other.
Is it correct and consistent throughout?
Contact details
Check that contact names, telephone, and fax numbers are correct. Also check email and web addresses.
Check it’s the correct version, as well as consistency of size and positioning.
General layout and colour/imagery
If it’s a product shot, make sure it’s the correct model and most up-to-date shot. Check any final retouching meets with your approval.
Product codes and reference numbers
Overall consistency with other materials
Is the document’s size, page numbering and ordering correct?
Small print
Have you added this where relevant and checked the content to ensure legal compliance?
Has someone else read the proof and completed the checklist?
Have you and a colleague signed the proof?
It is your responsibilty to check the artwork and ensure it meets your requirements. Please take the time to carefully check all the steps outlined above. If you require a printed sample of your artwork through our digital printer, please call us and have this arranged . If your artwork requires changes, you are required to  email our design department with the specified amendments outlined. Our qualified graphic designers will make those changes and resubmit the proof.
Approving your artwork
When satisfied that all details are correct, please email through an approval
(we do not accept verbal approvals , We do accept a email reply giving us the go ahead)